Following the easing of national lockdown restrictions, we have now fully re-opened our clinic.
Keeping Safe…
We’re working hard to keep the clinic experience as safe as possible for both clients & staff.
We confirm we comply with the government’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19 & are taking extra precautions including increased cleaning, ventilation and sanitation.
Please read & follow our guidelines for everyones safety:
- Please follow current NHS guidance on coronavirus & self-isolation. Do not attend if you are unwell or self-isolating.
- Please attend your appointment alone. One parent or carer may accompany where required.
- Please use provided sanitiser for your hands on entry
- Please wear a face covering to your appointment – unless you are medically exempt.
- Unfortunately, we will not be offering refreshments at this time. Please feel free to bring your own drink
- Tools, equipment, stations and chairs will be cleaned between appointments.
We will continue to offer this service to patients who are self-isolating or clinically vulnerable and unable to attend the clinic.
To arrange your appointment get in touch with us today by emailing