What is Trichology?

Ipswich trichology

Trichology is the scientific study of the hair and scalp. It stems from the Greek word ‘trichos’, meaning ‘hair’ and the suffix ‘ology’, which means ‘the study of’. A trichologist specialises in all matters relating to hair and scalp health.

Trichologists are concerned with treating and addressing both the medical and cosmetic side of the hair and scalp. This ranges from severe hair and scalp disorders, such as scarring alopecia and alopecia areata, to your hairs’ general condition, texture, health and appearance.

Qualified Trichologists in the UK are recognised by the following qualifications:

  • AIT – Associate member of the Institute of Trichologists
  • MIT – Member of the Institute of Trichologists
  • FIT – Fellow of The Institute of Trichologists

These qualifications indicate that all training has been successfully completed and that they abide by the Institute Of Trichologists strict code of Professional Practice and Ethics.

It is therefore essential that you check your trichologists credentials and qualifications prior to booking a consultation, as, unfortunately, there are some practising without qualification or registration.

Why Consult a Trichologist?

It is often said that ‘hair is the barometer of health’, and this can certainly be the case in many instances. Your hair and scalp can be an accurate reflection of your lifestyle, indicating the stresses, irregularities and variations within your body’s systems. This is what makes trichology such a deep and interesting science.

Qualified Trichologists are hair and scalp specialists. They have the training, qualification, experience, aptitude and more importantly the time for your hair and scalp. Those is clinical practice will have spent hundreds of hours diagnosing and treating a wide variety of hair and scalp conditions.

The vast majority of patients first decide to visit a trichologist when they notice a hair or scalp problem of some type. As a hair and scalp specialist, your trichologist will understand your concerns and will usually be able to help. And unlike medical doctors, trichologists receive training in all aspects of hair science, hair care and hair processing. This, along with their invaluable experience in daily practice puts your hair and scalp in the best possible care.

There are other reasons, apart from hair loss, scalp problems and hair texture problems, that you might wish to consult a trichologist, one of which is for sound, professional advice on keeping your hair and scalp in good condition and thus avoiding many of these problems in the first place. This happy state of trouble-free hair and scalp exists naturally in some people, but many others will require the professional advice and assistance of a qualified trichologist

Common disorders that trichologists diagnose and treat include:

Hair Conditions Scalp Conditions
Androgenetic Alopecia Cradle Cap
Scarring Alopecia Psoriasis
Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia Ringworm
Thyroid / Iron Disorders Seborrheoic Eczema
Telogen Effluvium Pityriasis Amiantacea
Traumatic Hair Loss or Breakage Contact Dermatitis
Chemical Damage Folliculitis